Then Hock Sun brought us to staff canteen to eat somethings,we order chicken rice there,quite cheap,cheaper that KL,hahaha!not malay stall,is chinese stall,after eat went to hotel,coz we already tired,went back hotel rest for a while,mana tau we selpt already 10pm liao,we went back hotel on 7pm,very very tired,hock sun sleep my bed,so i and Mei Chee was together sleep on 1 single bed,haha!after woke up was talking inside the hotel until 11pm then walk down to first world there had supper,me was order curry mee,Hock Sun was order beef western burger set,Mei Chee was order ipoh chicken hor fun,end up eating...

*My curry mee*
Then back hotel keep our things,actually check out early morning on 3rd morning,but we are follow hock sun car's back,he need back in suddenly..so we was follow him,12.50am ciao from there,reach home on 3am.he wanna fecth 1 more people back at kepong,mei chee back at PJ,then my turn..is very tired but happy!!=)
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