Early morning received Ee Teng sms,said ''Apple prawn,wat time u reach pyramid?Can u go 2 buy ticket 1st?coz i heared my fren said no more ticket on 1pm wor.." Then i was thinking so early,think again ya hor today saturday leh,sure alot people,then i fast fast change and ciao to pyramid,wa...early morning about 9.45am already alot people line up liao...
*9.45am de line*
What we watch???we watch Transformer 2,love it and great!!!
*its quite long 2 hours and a half*

*Ee Teng*

then i brought ticket liao 4.30pm de...
What we watch???we watch Transformer 2,love it and great!!!

After watch already 7pm le,call ellen and michelle,they still not yet arrived,then i and ee teng was thinking which restaurant we will eat,then walk until BBQ Plaza,she suggest eat there,then ok lor,wa.. need to que also,alot place need que,then very fast de just around 10 minute is our turn liao,haha!me and Ee Teng was snaping pic and gill some food to eat while waiting them,coz is too hungry le..