Thursday, May 14, 2009

Introduce miss cutie(Miki)

She cute????hahaha!love her so much~and that is her latest hair style~so cute~

another pic me and her.......

friendship 4eva~~~

We took pic again~

hey people~we took picture again~coz she getting leave us,if not then no time to take pic,=_=''' wish her good luck in her studies,good luck BIG HEAD PRAWN(Wong Ee Teng) hahaha,will miss you 4eva de,u dont miss ya~lalalala~~~ here you go,


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


i miss my cecelia during we at singapore that time,we so so so so long din hang out,hear that u will come on this month??Hooorayyy!!!!! i wait so long already!!!me don't have time to go spore visit you,miss there so muchie!!!stil keep yr things that u gave me,remember what u worte?here i show it i love this!!!u wrote at my note i don't know about it,bad girl...hahahaha!

you know what?i stil keep it as my memory happy to know you!miss you!

Cecelia coming to Malaysia!!Yeah!!!!!happy!!!!

Charlotte Tan

Er Hem~~ let me intoduce this girl to all of you~that is Tan Mei Chee,same with me hometown at JB,near Ah bee house that at setia indah,so freaking near and so qiao man,haha!she is pretty,here some pic ~~~

*while borrow joey de things and snap pic,hahaha!*

She's,love her so muchie~~always be there with ne always~~hehehe!

Life with Ee Teng

i and Ee teng such a great friend in life,like to bully each other,she ar....don't say la,but i still wanna say,hahaha!she is Big head prawn,why wanna call her like that?because she memang forget this and that???haha nope is call for fun,coz on 1 day when jacky ask da tou xia in inglish call what?then she anwer is BIG HEAD PRAWN lor...haha!then i starting call her jor,she called me APPLE PRAWN,why?coz my face always red,hehehe!then no matter break or go where,we will sama-sama go each other,last time is my very very good jie mei that's Yee Ying,now she at spore...miss her so much!!hey talk back the main topic,we need to have a good buddy since you wanna ciow jor,will go sing k dunno when,haha!fair getting near,hope can see you there!hahaha!love you always Wong Ee Teng that leon always call her hui teng,lol...jacky always scold that isn't is his jiu qin ren????oooo...

Latest Picture i and her...

Closer Look~

*Got litterbit blur,haha!sorry*

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Makan Makan

Con:Hey where we wanna go eat?i still BAO BAO leh~~~

Ee Teng:Zhi ling said want go gasoline makan wor.

Zhi Ling:ya lor~

Con: =_='' Ok lor~but i will order snacks only......

*with zhi Ling*

*With Ee teng*

*Zhi LIng&Ee teng** Snap 1*(smile)

*Snap 2*(pose)

*Snap 3*(Pretty Smile)

Makan makan so happy!hahaha!i really eat bread only lo~hahaha!its true!still full coz afternoon ate pan mee~so full!hahaha!enjoy =) LOVE~nite~~

Hihi all went Gym yesterday with carmen,its very very tired,haha!but fun!!yoga???oh gosh very very pain whole bone,'this call long time no exercise haha!'told from the trainner,swt~took last pic when we ciao coz already late 11pm le.

*This pic too dark,take again....

*this better,haha!will go again!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Lunch At Pizza Hut

went to lunch at pizza with kang yin and carmen,3 of us but order 4 people volume,hahaha!kuatnya makan?normal la,coz we are damn damn hungry at this afternoon,but we finish it too,coz we hate waste food and money!haha!i don't think so i am the 1,haha!sometimes laa!2 pan of regular pizza,4 mushroom soup,1 jar pepsi and 1 basket of garlic bread~such alot.....
*is cheese not salt too bright*sorry!!
*Yam Seng*!!!!

*xiao yin yin gonna to leave soon* so sad~~~

its 2.44am already gonna to oik oik liao,its to late!!!hahahaha!

Loves =) see ya~