On 17/4
we was waiting this date until neck long,
finally is come!!=)
wake up and start preparing to midvalley,since we so wait so long that wanna see how nice of this year fashion show is it.
when reach there waa the light,music all very nice,was cannot find all of them,i was called them they all inside the back stage room helping model,hmm i know i am late.hehe!sorry ya guys=(
♥Stage at midvalley♥
full of people
bag throw inside just hold hp and start...
help help help finally is done,
we was waiting outside the stage there was nothing to do so took pic=)

start left♥(
bobo wong,me,theresa hong&lik woei) ♥
p/s i am the
smallest want...i mean

this lady ar,me sangat
beh song(tak tahan)...acting
cute all around..she said i am 15th years old,so i wanna act cute,=_= then i told her if you are 15th years old then me lagi la..haha!anywhere pic above♥(
lik woei and me)♥
this is some picture of PA brand fashion show..

♥all men are handsome,lady are pretty=)♥
when finish all fashion show,i was take my bag and ciao..very tired=(( was chat with this guy,he is my best buddy,although our level is not same,alot things to talk somebody(andrew)was took our pic,i was 'hentam' him haha=))
♥(Chin Long and Me)♥
last pic before ciao,this lady was very caring person,sorry ya last year i had took most caring,hope hope this year u get ya..=))

is a happy happy whole day from 12pm untill 7pm,is very tired but we all enjoyed so much,until now i still remember chin long said,(walao very tired leh,lagi tired then working)is true,very very tired...when everybody reach home all 1st thing bath,2nd thing is zzzzzzz(sleep)............... all PA staff jia you!!! we are heart to heart make all the things sucess together.♥