what is family??
when colleagues talking about family,about parents,
i just shut up.
coz i nothing to share..
tell a small story, is real.
A people B people and C people,
(A is male,B is female,C is male)
one day A married B people,
they are lovely husband and wife,
then had 2 children,
both of them 1 is adult 1 is teenage.(now)
then 3 years ago came out a C people which is a guy,
B people(female) look like him alot,
coz once C people called her to do this and that or help him buy a thing,food even help him do whatever he called,he just called once,the B people will just do for the C people,
when A people called B people help him do as like the C people state or some different,
the B people will always said NO,LATER,NO TIME,DO YOURSELF or etc..
see this as 10 peoples 9 peoples will said B people like C people,
if your family will have this problem what feel you have??
home always had argue non stop..
feel no very have peace at home,
even child also don't wanna back home so early or even don't want back home.
always know 大人做错,无辜的都是小孩
don't always want broke a family the child is most kesian... =(